Rare Books, Prints, Autographs and Documents.


VAN DYCK. Ritratto di Frans Snyders.

EUR 400,00
Starting price
EUR 700,00 / 800,00


VAN DYCK. Ritratto di Frans Snyders.
VAN DYCK, Anthonius. Ritratto di Frans Snyders.
Antwerp, 1645 ca.

Acquaforte e incisione. Inciso 248x160 mm. Piccoli margini. Iscrizioni: sotto il ritratto, su due righe in latino: “Franciscvs Snyders / Venationvm, Ferarvm, et Olervm Pictor Antverpiæ.” Più in basso: a sinistra “Ant. van Dyck pinxit et fecit aqua forti.”; a destra “Iac. Neeffs Sculps.” VI stato.

Magnifico ritratto di F. Snyders, 1579-1657, pittore fiammingo di animali, scene di caccia, scene di mercato e nature morte. Incisione di Jacob Neefs, che riprende e completa al bulino quella di A. van Dyck. Il British Museum così descrive il ritratto: “ … half-length in frontal view, facing the viewer; with moustache and goatee, wearing a a mantle and a doublet with lace collar and cuffs; his both hands are resting on the chair standing on the right in front of him, clouds in the right background, square column in the left; sixth state with the initials of Gillis Hendricx erased; after Anthony van Dyck.” La stampa fu inserita nell’opera iconografica di Van Dyck “Icones principum, virorum. doctorum, pictorum, chalcographorum, stampato per la prima volta da Antwerp, 1645".
Cfr. British Museum, Number 1856,0815.71
wed 10 April 2024
Auction times
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padua Italy

EXHIBITION: 5-7 April 2024 on appointment only.

To book your appointment, call 0039 049 8755317 or send an email to info@badoemart.it

We remind you that our staff remains at your disposal to carry out detailed condition reports with additional photos in addition to the pictures already present in the catalog.