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Cosmography. POMPONIUS MELA. De situ orbis.
Officium Virginis Mariae secundum usum romane ecclesie.
ARISTOTELES - CANONICUS. Quaestiones super Physica Aristotelis.
PEROTTO. Cornucopiae linguae Latinae.
Philosophy. MACROBIUS. Somnium Scipionis ex Ciceronis libro De Republica [..]
Incunabulum. FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS. Sermones de laudibus sanctorum et [..]
The first illustrated Encyclopedia. SCHEDEL. Liber Chronicarum.
GRATIANUS. Decretum.
PAULUS DE MIDDELBURGO. Paulina de recta Paschae celebratione.
FIRST EUCLID PRINTED IN FRANCE. EUCLID. Contenta. Euclidis Megarensis [..]
ARISTOTELES - ALCIONIO. Habes hoc in codice lector Aristotelis libros [..]
Cosmography - Trigonometry. FINÉ. De Mundi sphaera, sive Cosmographia, [..]
Astronomy. SCHÖNER. De iudiciis nativitatum libri tres.
EUCLIDE. Elementorum geometricorum libri XV.
CARDANO. De subtilitate libri XXI. 1551
CARDANO. De methodo medendi, sectiones quatuor.
Neo-Platonic Philosophy. MACROBIUS. Macrobii Ambrosii… in Somnium Scipionis. [..]
EUCLID. La perspectiva, y especularia de Euclides & Libro des instrumentos [..]
POST INCUNABULUM. SENECA. Senece omnia opera.
Latin language. SCOPPA. Lucii Ioannis Scoppae Parthenopei Grammatices [..]
Linguistics. 4 rare works of the XVIth century. MATURANZIO-SULPIZIO-SCA [..]
PLINIUS SECUNDUS. Prima pars Plyniani Indicis... Naturalis Historie Libri [..]
Venetian Binding. BOCCACCIO. Ameto & Fiammetta Amorosa.
BOCCACCIO. La Fiammetta.
OROSIO. Paulo Orosio tradotto di latino in volgare.
PETRARCA. Il Petrarcha con l’espositione d’Alessandro Vellutello.
BEMBO. Della Historia Vinitiana di Messer Pietro Bembo cardinale.
Philosophy. BOEZIO. Della consolazione della filosofia tradotto da Benedetto [..]
BOEZIO. Dialectica.
CICERONE - MANUZIO. Ciceronis De Oratore libri 3.
CICERONE – MANUZIO. Locutioni dell’epistole di Cicerone scielte da Aldo [..]
Binding. CICERO. Rhetoricorum ad Herennium libri quatuor.
AA.VV. Scriptores rei rusticae. Opera Agricolationum.
Vernacular Post-Incunabulum. CRESCENZI. De agricoltura vulgare.
Scriptores rei rusticae. CATONE-VARRONE-COLUMELLA-PALLADIO. Libri De Re [..]
Horticulture. VOLTOLINA. De hortorum cultura libri III.
MATTIOLI. Dei Discorsi… nelli sei libri di Pedacio Dioscoride Anazarbeo [..]
Medicine. KETHAM. Fasciculus medicine.
FALLOPPIO. Tractatus De Compositione Medicamentorum dilucidissimus.
Paediatrics. MERCURIALE. De Morbis puerorum.
VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Noviter recognitus cum cometario historico.
ERODOTO. Herodoti Halicarnassei Historiarum Patris musae.
GUAZZO. Historie di tutte le cose degne di memoria quai del anno MDXXIII [..]
History of Italy. ALBERTI. Descrittione di tutta Italia.
POLIBIO. Polibio historico greco tradotto per M. Lodovico Domenichi.
TUCIDIDE. Gli otto libri di Tucidide.
GIUSEPPE FLAVIO. Giosefo il quale... contiene l'assedio, et ultima [..]
Parchment Manuscript. CHARLES IX, King of France. Extrait des Registres [..]
BALLINO. De' disegni delle piu illustri città, & fortezze [..]
Military strategy. LEONE VI - PIGAFETTA. Trattato brieve dello schierar [..]
Architecture - Engineering. FONTANA. Della trasportatione dell’obelisco [..]
Tuscany. VILLANI. Croniche.
BIONDO. De ventis et navigatione, libellus.
BETUSSI. Ragionamento di… Sopra il Cathaio.
PTOLEMAEUS. Geografia cioè descrittione universale della terra.
SCARDEONE. Historiae de urbis patauii antiquitate.
VECELLIO. De gli habiti antichi, et moderni di diverse Parti del Mondo. [..]
Sewing texture. CIOTTI. Prima parte de’ fiori, e disegni di varie sorti [..]
104 plates of Costumes. BERTELLI. Diversarum nationum habitus centum.
VIGERIO. Decachordum Christianum Iulio. II. Pont. Max. dicatum.
Heraldry. RUSCELLI. Le imprese illustri con espositioni, et discorsi.
ACCADEMIA DEGLI OCCULTI. Rime de gli Academici Occulti con le loro imprese [..]
Chess. LOPEZ DE SEGURA. Il giuoco de gli scacchi.
Circus. TUCCARO. Trois dialogues de l'exercice de sauter, et voltiger [..]
Science. MICALORI. Della Sfera Mondiale Libri Quattro.
Compass. GALGEMAIR. Organon Logikon Kurtzer Grundlicher Warhaffter Gebe [..]
Cardano's Autobiography. CARDANO. Hieronymi Cardani Mediolanensis [..]
Divination. CARDANO. Metoposcopia libris tredecim.
Science. BARATTIERI. Architettura d'acque.
Astronomy. GALILEI. Trattato della sfera.
Watchmaking. CAPRIGLIA-MARTINELLI. Two works.
Glass. MONTANARI. Speculazioni Fisiche… sopra gli effetti di que’ vetri [..]
MONTANARI. Pensieri fisico – matematici.
LANA TERZI. Prodromo overo saggio di alcune inventioni nuove premesso [..]
Optics. CHÉRUBIN d’ORLÉANS. La Dioptrique oculaire.
Alchemy - Chemistry. CROLL. Basilica Chymica.
PASCAL. Les Provinciales ou les lettres escrites par Louis de Montalte. [..]
ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De secretis mulierum.
DÜRER. Della simmetria de i corpi humani.
Natural History. REDI. Esperienze intorno a diverse cose naturali.
Botany. ZANONI. Istoria botanica.
Gardens. MORETTI – CHIOLINI. Istruzione teorico-pratica nell'arte [..]
Conchology. BUONANNI. Ricreatione dell'occhio e della mente nell'osservation' [..]
Gymnastics. MERCURIALE. De arte gymnastica.
Medicine. MERCURIALE. D. Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis… in secundum [..]
Anatomy. HAMUSCO DE VALVERDE. Anotomia del corpo humano.
Medicine. VESLING. Syntagma anatomicum.
Surgery. ROSTINI, Pietro – ROSTINI, Ludovico. Compendio di tutta la Cir [..]
Aphorisms of Galen and Hippocrates. BENZI. Expositio Ugonis Senensis super [..]
Anatomy. VAN DIEMERBROECK. Anatome corporis humani.
Medicine. PARÉ. Les oeuvres d'Ambroise Pare, conseiller et premier [..]
Medicine. PALMERIO. Hippocratis Aphorismi poeticis salibus aspersi.
BOTERO. Le relationi universali.
DESCARTES. Les passions de l'âme.
DESCARTES. L'Homme et la formation du foetus.
SPINOZA. La clef du santuaire.
CYPRUS. GRAZIANI. Histoire de la guerre de Chypre.
Artillery. CAPOBIANCO. Corona e Palma Militare di Artiglieria.
Armorial binding with the coat of arms of Marie Leszczynska. L'Office [..]
Specimen belonged to the Duchess of Berry in Red Morocco Binding. DAUMIER. [..]
Brazil. PISO - MARCGRAVE - DE BONDT. De Indiae utriusque re naturali et [..]
AMERICA. MONTANUS. De nieuwe en onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van [..]
Japan. MONTANUS. Ambassades memorables de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales [..]
China. KIRCHER. La Chine. Illustrée de plusieurs monuments tant sacrés [..]
Calcio Storico Fiorentino. BINI. Memorie del calcio fiorentino tratte [..]
England. Lot of two 17th century pamphlets.
LARMESSIN. Three 17th century prints with portraits of rulers of Asia.
Persia. Two rare portraits of Persian Ambassadors.
PIRANESI. Veduta dell'Arco di Tito.
VASARI. Le vite de' più eccellenti pittori, scultori et archit [..]
First artistic guide of Venice. BOSCHINI. Le Minere della pittura.
Art History. JUNIUS. De pictura veterum Libri Tres.
Emblems. VAN VEEN. Les emblemes de l'amour humain du Sieur Otho Ven [..]
Torture. VERSTEGAN. Theatrum crudelitatum hæreticorum.
Wonderful Andreoli's Binding - Architecture. FONTANA. Il Tempio Vaticano [..]
Religion. DUPIN. Nouvelle Bibliothèque des auteurs ecclesiastiques [..]
Gastronomy/Dietetics. NUNEZ. Ludouici Nonni Diaeteticon siue De re ciba [..]
Cooking. GIEGHER. Li tre trattati.
Gastronomy. LA VARENNE. Il cuoco francese.
SERAO. Istoria dell'Incendio del Vesuvio accaduto nel mese di Maggio [..]
Geometry. DEIDIER. La Science des Geometres, ou la Theorie et la Pratique [..]
PMM. EULER. Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum.
Volcanology. DELLA TORRE. Histoire et phénomènes du Vésu [..]
Anatomy. SERAO. Opuscoli di fisico argomento 1. Descrizione dell'elefante. [..]
Mineralogy. FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND. Recherches sur les volcans éteints [..]
Architecture. POLENI. Exercitationes Vitruvianae.
Archaelogy. PAOLI. Avanzi delle antichita esistenti a Pozzuoli Cuma e [..]
TASSO. La Gerusalemme Liberata. 1724
SANNAZARO. Poemata ex antiquis editionibus accuratissime descripta.
DOLCE. I tre libri dell’oratore di M. Tullio Cicerone.
CERVANTES SAAVEDRA. El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha.
FOLENGO. Vulgo Merlini Cocaii Opus Macaronicum.
Bodoni. DE ROSSI. Epithalamia exoticis lingvis reddita.
Bodoni. MONTI. Aristodemo tragedia dell'abate Vincenzo Monti.
Bodoni. MONTI. Versi & Poesia autografa “Contro l’Inghilterra” firmata [..]
Botany. LINNAEUS. Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum [..]
Ichthyology. RONDELET. Libri de piscibus marinis.
ALESSANDRI - SCATTAGLIA. Animali quadrupedi dal naturale dissegnati, incisi, [..]
Anatomy. PASCOLI. Il corpo umano o breve storia dove con nuovo metodo [..]
The plague of 1713. ERIZZO. Capitoli da osservarsi nelli Lazaretti.
SYDENHAM. Opera medica & MUSGRAVE. De arthritide anomala, sive interna [..]
Poison. MEAD. Mechanica expositio venenorum.
Anatomy. PETRIOLI. Riflessioni anatomiche.
Anatomy. ALBINUS. Explicatio Tabularum Anatomicarum Bartholomaei Eustac [..]
PMM. MORGAGNI. De Sedibus et causis Morborum.
Obstetrics. TANARON. L’ostetricia ovvero l’arte di raccogliere i parti. [..]
Surgery. BONIOLI. Dissertazione medico-chirurgica intorno alla malattia [..]
Travels. ROGISSART. Les Délices de l'Italie.
Archeology. BUONARROTTI. Osservazioni sopra alcuni frammenti di vasi antichi [..]
Japan. KAEMPFER. Histoire naturelle, civile, et ecclésiastique de [..]
BANDINI. Vita e lettere di Amerigo Vespucci gentiluomo fiorentino.
Archeology. WOOD. Les Ruines de Balbec autrement dite Heliopolis dans [..]
Pocket Atlas. LOTTER. Atlas geographicus portatilis, XXIX mappis orbis [..]
America. Le PAGE du PRATZ. Histoire de la Louisiane.
California/Mexico. CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE. Voyage en Californie.
BRUSTOLON. Prospectuum aedium, viarumque insigniorum Urbis Venetiarum [..]
SANTINI. Atlas universel dressé sur les meilleures cartes modernes [..]
Illustrated History of the Wold. Storia universale dal principio del mondo [..]
Remondianian binding-Asolo. TRIESTE DE PELLEGRINI. Notizie istoriche, [..]
Asolo. TRIESTE DE PELLEGRINI. Saggio di memorie degli uomini illustri [..]
TORNIERI ARNALDI. La corsa delle slitte in Vicenza nel carnovale 1784.
Naples Guide. Guida de' Forestieri per la città di Napoli In [..]
Naples. Descrizione delle feste celebrate ... per lo glorioso ritorno [..]
Festival Book. BIDLOO. Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. Koning van [..]
DE AZARA Y PERERA. Descrizione dell'apparato funebre per le esequie [..]
EVANGELISTA DI BLASI. Funerali per Carlo III Re delle Spagne e per l'infante [..]
Per le nozze del sig. Marchese Guglielmo de Fulcis Cavalier di Malta con [..]
Red Morocco binding with coat of arm of King Charles III of Spain. BROCHERO. [..]
Carta Ejecutoria De Nobleza. Patente di Nobiltà di Don Juan Nicolas [..]
Armorial binding with the coat of arms of Philippe d'Orléans, [..]
Physiocracy. MELON. Essai politique sur le commerce.
Economy. CHILD. Traités sur le commerce.
Physiocracy. QUESNAY. Essai sur l'administration des terres.
Physiocracy. Maquis de MIRABEAU – QUESNAY. Théorie de l'imp [..]
Physiocracy. Marquis de MIRABEAU - QUESNAY. Élémens de la philosophie [..]
MIRABEAU. Autograph letter signed to «Mon cher Robert».
John Law's System and the Compagnie des Indes. Fourteen original do [..]
Compagnie Des Indes. CALONNE. Arrêt du Conseil d’État du Roi, [..]
Compagnie Des Indes. CALONNE. Arrêt du Conseil d’État du Roi, [..]
Compagnie Des Indes. Manufactures of Alsace. CALONNE. Arrêt du Conseil [..]
Domains of King of France. CALONNE-DUPONT DE NEMOURS. Memoire sur les [..]
French East India Company. Decret de la Convention Nationale qui supprime [..]
Compagnie Des Indes. Loi Relative au remboursement des Actions & portions [..]
French Revolution. Economy. Laws on public finance, on the liquidation [..]
French Revolution. Economy. Laws on public finance, on national assets, [..]
French Revolution. Economy. Finance and accounting. 23 Pamphlets.
Economy. Ancien Regime and the National Convention. 23 Pamphlets.
Economy. 25 Booklets of the National Convention. July - December 1793.
Economy. 19 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly, 2 January – [..]
Economy. 19 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly, 1 April – 27 [..]
French revolution. Finance, Taxation, Coinage. 4 pamphlets.
French Revolution. National Assets; Finance and Taxes. 14 Pamphlets.
French Revolution. Tithes and Taxes; Finance. 15 Pamphlets.
French Revolution. Justice. Protection of woods and forests, National [..]
Finance, Taxation, National Assets. 16 Booklets of the National Convention. [..]
National Assets, Administration, Political Economics. 17 Booklets of the [..]
Economy. AA.VV. Scrittori classici italiani di economia politica.
Debt collection for the Swiss. Declaration du roi, Qui exclut de la concurrence [..]
French Revolution in Switzerland. Decret de la Convention Nationale... [..]
French Revolution-Swiss Guards. Loi relative a la Solde et aux Appointemens [..]
French Revolution. Reorganization of the Army. 4 pamphlets.
French Revolution. Army Organization and Administration of War. 23 Pamp [..]
Army organization. 16 Decrees of the Ancien Regime and of the National [..]
Army. 7 Booklets of the National Convention. 1792.
Army. 16 Booklets of the National Convention. July - December 1793.
Army. 4 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly. 19 January – 27 [..]
French Revolution. Police organization. 3 Pamphlets.
French Revolution. Police and National Security. 3 Pamphlets.
Creation of Police. 2 Booklets of the National Convention. August - October [..]
Police. Decret de la Convention Nationale qui ordonne que les Certificat [..]
French Navy. Decret de la Convention Nationale… Additionel a celui relatif [..]
Navy. 6 Pamphlets. 1790-1793.
French Revolution in Belgium. Two important decrees of the National Convention [..]
War of the French Revolution. Collection of seven Laws from 20 March 1791 [..]
Russia. Peace of Tilsit. Traité de Paix conclu entre l’Empereur des [..]
Crimean War. Nine letters by French Navy officer from Piraeus (Greece). [..]
End of Pastry War between France and Mexico. LOUIS-PHILIPPE Roi des Francais. [..]
Cisalpine Republic. Copy of the letter of the Minister of War addressed [..]
GENERAL SORBIER. Two signed autograph letters addressed to Monsieur Dupont, [..]
Fortifications. CAPECE DELLA SOMAGLIA. Studio di fortificazioni.
DOLCE. Dialogo… della institution delle donne.
MONTESQUIEU. De l'Esprit des Loix.
LEIBNIZ. Oeuvres philosophiques latines & francoises.
Manuscript Autograph. Jean-Paul SARTRE. Manoscritto autografo su «L’Affaire [..]
Autograph. Jules de GAULTIER. 32 lettere autografe a Constant Bourquin. [..]
MASSIALOT. Nouvelle Instruction Pour Les Confitures, Les Liqueurs et les [..]
Gastronomy. LA CHAPELLE. Le cuisinier moderne.
Gastronomy. MENON. La science du maître d'hôtel cuisinier [..]
Sugar. Chambre des Deputes. Amendement au projet de loi portant fixation [..]
Sugar - Coffee - Tea. AA.VV. Bullettin de la Societe des etudes Coloniales [..]
Sugar. FLOQUET. Proposition de loi concernant les sucres.
Sugar trade in the French Caribbean colonies. HAUDRY DE SOUCY. Signed [..]
Tobacco and Corsairs. NECKER - MOREAU DE BEAUMONT.? Arrêt du Conseil [..]
Free trading United States - France. Corsairs. Décrets de la Convention [..]
Corsairs. LOUIS XVI. Arrêt du conseil d’État du Roi, qui défend [..]
Music. DUFORT. Trattato del ballo nobile.
Index Librorum prohibitorum Sanctissimi Domini nostri Pii Sexti Pontificis [..]
Religion. Lotto di quattro opere. MASSILLON - SEGNERI - TORNIELLI.
Religion. S. FRANCESCO DI SALES. Lotto di tre opere.
Religion. Lotto di quattro opere. Missale Romanum ex decreto sacrosancti [..]
CARRACCI. Le arti di Bologna.
Fine Arts. FINI. Autograph letter signed to the literate Madeleine Chap [..]
CHATAUD. Lettera autografa indirizzata a André Marius Guindon.
Art History. LÉVY. Signed letter.
Autograph letter. GUILLAUME. Lettera autografa firmata indirizza a ‘Mon [..]
Academie de France in Rome. Decret de la Convention Nationale... Qui supprime [..]
Loi relative aux gratifications & Secours à accorder aux Artis [..]
Birth Certificate of the Modern Louvre Museum. Decret de la Convention [..]
Louvre Museum - David's Triumph. Loi Relative aux Artistes dont les [..]
DAVID. Decret de la Convention Nationale… relatif au don fait par David, [..]
Poster. French Revolution. Abolition of Corporations. Loi Relative aux [..]
Tonkin - Art History. LAFRIQUE. Two signed autograph letters to the painter [..]
French Tonkin. NEIS. Autograph Letter Signed.
Tonkin, Cochinchina, Slavery. BLANCSUBÉ. Chambre des Deputes. Proposition [..]
Spanish handwritten deed of sale of two slaves in Nouvelle Grenade, 176 [..]
Slave trade. Arrest du Conseil du Roi, qui casse une Sentence rendue le [..]
Slave trade Bounties. Arret du Conseil d’Etat du Roi, Qui ordonne que [..]
Abolition of Slavery. PERLET. Assemblée Nationale et Commune de Paris. [..]
Slave Rebellion - Duke of Orleans. BEAULIEU. Nouvelles de Paris faisant [..]
Handwritten bill of lading for the vessels ‘L’Intrepide” and ‘La Confiance’. [..]
Abolition of Slavery. AUDOUIN. Journal Universel, ou Révolution des [..]
Slave Rebellion. AA.VV. Société des Amis de la Constitution.
Santo Domingo Slave Uprising. Courier Français. Suite du Discours [..]
Santo Domingo. Slavery. Lettera da Londra indirizzata a Mr Thompson ad [..]
Santo Domingo - Haiti. CORPRON DE LAUNAY. Lettera autografa firmata, indirizzata [..]
Cardan's Life. AA.VV. Vita di Girolamo Cardano milanese & Lettere [..]
Autograph letter. PASTEUR. Lettera autografa al "Monsieur" Henri [..]
Comte de FOURCROY. Lettera autografa.
Telegraphy. WEST-MANN. Two works on transatlantic cables.
Tonkin submarine telegraph cable. GREVY – AUBE – GRANET – CARNOT. Projet [..]
Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. ALYPE. Amendement au projet [..]
Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. AA.VV. Amendement au projet [..]
Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. BIZARELLI. Rapport au nom [..]
Submarine telegraph cable - Antilles, Guyana. BIZARELLI – GRANET. Rapport [..]
Cayenne Telegraphy. Convention entre le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies… [..]
Compass - Geodesy. FERRARIS-SCARAMELLA. Three works.
Physic. FERMI. Sul calcolo degli spettri degli ioni. Sulla teoria delle [..]
Maltese Author. BUSUTTIL. Solenne processione vaticana del Corpus Domin [..]
SANQUIRICO. Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche inventate ed eseguite [..]
FOSCOLO. Lotto di tre opere.
LEOPARDI. Paralipomeni della Batracomiomachia.
BOSCOVICH. Lettere del padre Boscovich pubblicate per le nozze Olivieri [..]
Rubens Convention. DUMAS. Signed Letter.
SAINTE-BEUVE. Handwritten letter addressed to Princess Carolyne of Sayn [..]
Autograph letters. SAINTE-BEUVE. Seven signed autograph letters, addressed [..]
HAVET. Two signed autograph letters, addressed to Eugene Benoist.
Autograph. André GIDE. Lettera autografa a Raymond Bonheur, firmat [..]
Nobel Prize. SCHAWLOW. Signature on cardboard.
Autograph letter. CARCOPINO TUSOLI (Francis CARCO). Lettera autografa [..]
American Autographs.
SCARPA. Memoria chirurgica sui piedi torti congeniti dei fanciulli
Study on Siamese twins. FANZAGO. Storia del Mostro di due corpi.
Ophthalmology. PALLUCCI. Della vera e placida maniera di curare la fistola [..]
Gardening. SILVA. Dell’arte dei giardini inglesi.
Botany. GUSSONE. Enumeratio plantarum vascularium in insula Inarime sponte [..]
Funeral in the Ancien Regime. COLBERT. Edit du Roy, Portant creation de [..]
27 Pamphlets of the Ancien Regime, of the National Convention and of the [..]
French Revolution. Constitution of the Republic. Two very rare documents [..]
French Revolution. Politics and Public Administration. 21 Pamphlets.
Politics. 16 Booklets of the National Convention. August 1792.
Politics. 16 Booklets of the National Convention. 1792.
Political Measures. 20 Booklets of the National Convention. 1792-1793.
Politics and Administration. 21 Booklets of the National Convention. 17 [..]
POLITICS. 21 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly on Politics, [..]
Public Administration. 15 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly. [..]
The Terror and the Bourbons-Orleans family. Decret de la Convention Nationale, [..]
French Revolution. 'Report' by Saint-Just on the 'foreign [..]
The Terror. Law on gunpowder and the control prices on cereals. 6 Booklets [..]
Horses. EMPIRE FRANCAIS. Arreté de M. Le Préfet du Departement de Lot [..]
3° Régiment de CHASSEURS à CHEVAL, Escadrons de Guerre. [..]
LAVALLEÉ. Voyage pittoresque et historique de l'Istrie et Dalm [..]
Russia. KARAMZIN. Istoria dell'Impero di Russia.
Rome. VASI. Itinéraire instructif de Rome ancienne et moderne.
Rome. PIALE. La ville de Rome ou Description de cette superbe ville.
Rome. NIBBY. Itinéraire de Rome et de ses environs.
Milan. VERRI. Storia di Milano.
Milan. Lot of three guides on Milan. DONADELLI-FABI.
Egypt. SEGATO – VALERIANI. Atlante del Basso e Alto Egitto.
Egypt. Prince Ahmed BEY de SOLYMAN. Autograph signed letter to a “Monse [..]
Egypt. CHAMPOLLION. Egitto antico.
Photographs – Egypt. Atelier DELIE ET BECHARD. 18 Photographs.
Egyptology - Goldsmithing. DE ROUGE. Histoire de l’Art, séance du [..]
FLAXMAN. Oeuvre des jours et la Théogonie d'Hésiode & [..]
RUSCHEWEYH. Bassorilievi antichi della Grecia o sia Fregio del tempio [..]
Order of Malta. Two letters to Knight Lacroix, genealogist of the Order [..]
Order of Malta. Compte de Damas-Cru. Duty certificate of Jean Baptiste [..]
Order of Malta. La Croix de Chevrières Family. Signed autograph letters [..]
Order of Malta. DE GOURNAY. Signed letter to ‘Monsieur Laurence fils’.
Malta. Deecree for the end of Order in France. Decret de la Convention [..]
Religion. Lotto di tre opere. LIGORIO-VOIT-Missae in agenda defunctorum [..]
Religion. Lotto di quattro opere. Missale Romanum ex decreto Sacrosancti [..]
Religion. Lotto di quattro opere. Missale Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosanti [..]
Religion. Lotto di quattro opere. Rituale Romanum Pauli Quinti Pont. Max. [..]
Bible/Religion. Lot of 3 works.
French Revolution. Laws on the Clergy. Collection of four laws of the [..]
French Revolution. Rents and Goods of the Clergy, Abolition of noble privileges [..]
French Revolution. Libraries of religious institutes; Precious stones; [..]
Inquisition. TAMBURINI. Storia generale dell'Inquisizione.
Calligraphy Examples, Geometric Figures. The Continents in Contemporary [..]
United States. DE TOCQUEVILLE. De la Démocratie en Amérique.
Trade with the United States. Convention Nationale. Decret qui excepte [..]
Decret de la Convention Nationale… Concernant les relations de la Republique [..]
The Quasi-War between France and the United States. Loi qui ordonne la [..]
Atlas. ADAM. Histoire de Napoléon.
Hundred Days. Napoleon's decree abolishing the slave trade. Bullettin [..]
Restoration of slavery in the colonies. Napoleone Bonaparte. Bulletin [..]
Blacks are forbidden to enter France. Napoleone Bonaparte. Bulletin des [..]
Two Letters of 1825 and 1849 on Guadeloupe, Sugar and Slavery.
Senegal. Lettera autografa firmata indirizzata a à Messieurs Bourcard [..]
Fight against trafficking. Luigi XVIII King of France. Bullettin des Lois [..]
Repression of traffickers. Luigi XVIII, King of France. Bullettin des [..]
Slave Trade. Louis-Philippe I, king of the French. Ordonnance du Roi qui [..]
France, Sweden and Norway against trafficking. Louis-Philippe I, king [..]
France, Lubeck, Bremen and Hamburg, against trafficking. Louis-Philippe [..]
Ransom of slaves. Louis-Philippe I, king of the French. Bullettin des [..]
Liberation of slaves in Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana. Louis-Philippe [..]
Atlantic journeys. Lettera autografa firmata di Jean Baptiste Ricard … [..]
Lettera autografa firmata di Dupuy a suo fratello Pierre Dupuy.
Signed Letter. Lettera firmata C.C. Harper a Mr. Lepely, Avocat a Nantu [..]
Lot of 16 documents on the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.
Autograph letter. PETIT JEAN ROGET. Lettera autografa alla madre ‘Madame [..]
Ocean navigation. HAMPTON MOORE. Congres du Caire. Association des voies [..]
Economy. SAY. Traité d'économie politique.
Physiocratic School. HIGGS. The physiocrats: six lectures on the French [..]
Heraldry. CIBRARIO. Descrizione storica degli ordini cavallereschi.
Heraldic Manuscript. BISESTI. Stemmi delle Famiglie Nobili Veronesi.
Illustrazione Italiana, Nuova Illustrazione Universale e Corriere Illustrato [..]
Collection of three French works with historical facsimiles.
The documents for the prosecution of Louis XVI. Decret de la Convention [..]
French Revolution. Justice. Court costs and Process for high treason for [..]
Justice. 15 Pamphlets of the Ancien Regime and the National Convention. [..]
Justice. 23 Booklets of the National Convention. July - December 1793.
Justice. 14 Booklets of the National Convention. August - December 1792 [..]
Justice. 6 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly. 25 February [..]
MALOUET. Motifs d'après lesquels M. Malouet a demandé l'élargissement [..]
Canada. Sir Sandford FLEMING. Autograph, October 21, 1890.
GUIZOT. Lettera autografa firmata a “Mr Louis - Victor Flamand-Gretry”. [..]
Autograph letter. GUIZOT. Lettera autografa firmata.
French Mines. AUDIFFRED – BROUSSE. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission [..]
Work of minors and women in factories. GREVY – LOCKROY – DEMOLE. Projet [..]
Paris Metro. WICKERSHEIMER. Chambre des Deputes. Proposition de loi ayant [..]
Bolivia – Francia. LOUIS-PHILIPPE Roi des Francais. Ordonnance du Roi [..]
French colonies in India. LOUIS Philippe, Roi des Français. Ordonnance [..]
India Public education . LOUIS Philippe, Roi des Français. Ordonnance [..]
French colonies in India. SCHOELCHER - DE LA PORTE. Ministere de la Marine [..]
India. AUBE. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies… Decret portant institution [..]
French colonies in the Indian Ocean. DE LA PORTE. Ministere de la Marine [..]
Pondichéry. LAUTIER. Lettera commerciale firmata, indirizzata a Aube [..]
Import from Pondichéry. AMALRIC & Cie. Lettera commerciale firmata, [..]
India. NRIPENDRA NARAYAN BHUP. Autograph letter signed "Nripendrah [..]
Guadeloupe Trade. DAIGNAN – PIETON. Lettera commerciale firmata ‘Daignan [..]
Guadeloupe. MARGOTIN jeune. Lettera autografa firmata, indirizzata a A. [..]
Martinique-Guadeloupe-La Reunion. ISAAC. Rapport sur le projet de decret [..]
Guadeloupe, Martinique, La Reunion. ISAAC. Projet de decret prepare par [..]
Martinique, Guadeloupe, Reunion. FAURE. Decret... sur la curatelle aux [..]
Martinique. CHARRON. Lettera autografa firmata a suo cugino il Barone [..]
Guyane Française - Cayenne. Lettera autografa di un capitano al fratello [..]
Guyana, Senegal, India. DISLÈRE. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. [..]
Repeat offenders in New Caledonia and Guyana. DAUPHIN. Chambre des Deputes. [..]
New Caledonia. SCHOELCHER – DISLERE. Rapport presente au Ministre de la [..]
New Caledonia and Guyana - Penal colony. DE LANESSAN. Chambre des Deputes. [..]
Guinea - Congo. Penal colonies. GREVY – CARNOT. Projet de loi portant [..]
Guinea - Congo. Penal colonies. ROCHE. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission [..]
Guinea – Congo. FLOQUET. Chambre des Deputes. Projet de loi portant ouverture... [..]
Gold Mines in French Guyana. Lettera autografa firmata, indirizzata a [..]
Portugal Mozambique - Gold. M. Billot, Ministre de la Republique Francaise [..]
Madagascar – Gold mines. GALLIÉNI. Lettera autografa firmata, indirizzata [..]
Tonkin – Madagascar. French colonies. PELLETAN. Chambre des Deputes. Rapport [..]
Senegal. SCHOELCHER – ROUSSEAU. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. [..]
The railway in Senegal. GREVY – AUBE – CARNOT. Projet de loi portant ouverture [..]
Saigon - Senegal - Guyane - New Caledonia - Cochinchina. AUBE. Projet [..]
Africa – Oceania. GREVY - DE FREYCINET - von BISMARCK. Projet de loi portant [..]
Sudafrica. DAUTRESME – DE FREYCINET. Projet de loi portant approbation [..]
LE PELETIER, comte d'AUNAY. Ethiopia War between Menelik II and Yohannes [..]
SAND. Signed autograph letter talks about the poet Louis-Charles Poncy. [..]
COCTEAU. Autograph signed letter to Roger Pillaudin and photographic po [..]
COCTEAU. Three handwritten autographs, one of which is signed.
DALÌ. Signed dedication to his friend Max Gerard. In Catalog of the [..]
BERNHARDT. Autograph letter signed to her husband Jacques Damala.
Antilles - La Reunion. AUBE. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Decret [..]
Antilles – La Reunion - French colonies. DE LA PORTE. Ministere de la [..]
Colonial Finance. DE LA PORTE. Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du [..]
Colonial Finance. PEYRON. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Service [..]
Economy of the French Colonies. DE LANESSAN. Chambre des Deputes. Rapport... [..]
Comoros islands. GREVY – AUBE – CARNOT – DE FREYCINET. Projet de loi portant [..]
Management of the Colonies. FAURE – SCHOELCHER. Ministere de la Marine [..]
French Colonies. FAURE – SCHOELCHER. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. [..]
French Colonies. FAURE. Discours prononce par M. Felix Faure le 11 fevrier [..]
Administrative organization of the Colonies. FAURE - SCHOELCHER. Ministere [..]
Tahiti - French colonies. FAURE. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. [..]
Colonial Politics in Germany. MEROU – FAURE. Lettera autografa firmata [..]
Agreement between Portugal and Germany for possessions in Africa. BILLOT. [..]
Agreement between Portugal and Germany for possessions in Africa. BILLOT. [..]
Portuguese Exploration in Africa. BILLOT. M. Billot, Ministre de la Republique [..]
Rebellion in Portugal Mozambique. Mr. Billot, Ministre de la Republique [..]
Portuguese colonies in Africa and India. BILLOT. M. Billot, Ministre de [..]
Spanish colony in Africa. LEFEBVRE de LABOULAYE. Copia di una Lettera [..]
Oceania - Carolines Islands. Copie d’une note sur des renseignements fournis [..]
Italian Colonial politcs. DECRAIS – CHARMES. Tre Lettere manoscritte.
Societe Port Industriel de Venise. Notices illustrees sur le Zone Industrielle [..]
French Revolution. Hairdressers, badges of the nobility, trade documents, [..]
National Convention. The birth of the metric system and suppression of [..]
Varia. 9 Booklets of the National Constituent Assembly. 5 January – 17 [..]