Rare Books, Prints, Autographs and Documents.

Rare Books, Prints, Autographs and Documents.
wed 10 April 2024

Rare Books, Prints, Autographs and Documents.

Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padua Italy

Bado and Mart Auctions is pleased to present the 2024 Spring Auction to be held on 10 April at 15.00 CET.

The auction consists of 378 lots including a large selection of books from the 15th to the 20th century, a small selection of prints and a varied assortment of autographs and documents.

The works offered for sale cover a wide range of subjects, with a particular focus on volumes on science and mathematics, medicine, architecture, local history and literature.

Prints range from Piranesi to Manet, from Van Dyck to the colourful and curious engravings of the Imagerie Epinal.

The autographs focus on literary personalities, engineers, philosophers and royalty, while the documents intersperse themselves in the complex social fabric of the French Revolution and colonial policy, as well as curious and interesting local histories and Malta and its order of knights.

Particularly noteworthy is the section dedicated to books, which opens with an interesting and important mathematical manuscript that sets out the mathematical theory of Christopher Clavius in a detailed and concise manner.

This is followed by the 'Münster Cosmography' (lot 62), an enormous compendium containing more than 1030 woodcut engravings in text depicting maps and views of cities, maps, portraits, coats of arms, historical scenes, costumes, animals, plants.

Lot 65, the 'Trois dialogues de l'exercice de sauter, et voltiger en l'air' by Arcangelo Tuccaro, is an extremely rare first edition as well as the oldest treatise on acrobatics and one of the most beautiful 16th century French picture books, with 87 woodcut plates.

One of the 'Top Lots' is undoubtedly Lot 141, Ornithology. Storia Naturale degli Uccelli, Florence, 1767-76 by Saverio MANETTI in 10 volumes. In the 4 volumes of plates there are 612 progressively numbered engravings. The 600 engravings are by Vanni, Lorenzi, Manetti, the last 12 are added by Martinet.

Also of considerable importance is the local Venetian and Florentine history with lot 139 ZUCCHI, Teatro delle fabbriche piu cospicue in prospettiva, della città di Venezia. Venice, Giambattista Albrizzi, [1739-40] and lot 143 ZUCCHI, Giuseppe. Vedute delle ville, e d'altri luoghi della Toscana. Florence, Giuseppe Allegrini, 1744, with 50 plates of views of Tuscan villas, very important for the history of Italian architecture and gardens.

Of considerable medical-scientific importance are the works of HAMUSCO DE VALVERDE (lot 69), PETRIOLI (lot 138) and PMM MORGAGNI, De Sedibus et causis Morborum. Venetiis, Ex typographia Remondiniana, 1761 (lot 165)

Enriching the catalogue is another scientific cornerstone, also included in the "Printing and the Mind of Man" list, namely lot 150 EULER, Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum. Lausanne, Bousquet, 1748.

Of historical-archaeological scope are the two beautiful figurative works by Robert WOOD, centred on the ruins of Palmyra (lot 151) and Heliopolis, today's Baalbek in Lebanon (lot 154).

How not to mention lot 187, the most famous edition of Don Quixote in Spanish, a true masterpiece of typographic art, printed by Ibarra for the Real Academia and the imposing iconographic apparatus in aquatint for the Milanese sets of the La Scala theatre depicted in SANQUIRICO, a splendid specimen with even the autograph signature of Sanquirico himself (lot 266).

Finally, in the last part, a careful selection of works of Italian literature from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century by authors such as Monti, Parini, Manzoni, Foscolo and D'Annunzio.

Auction times

EXHIBITION: 5-7 April 2024 on appointment only.

To book your appointment, call 0039 049 8755317 or send an email to info@badoemart.it

We remind you that our staff remains at your disposal to carry out detailed condition reports with additional photos in addition to the pictures already present in the catalog.

181 - 210  of 378 LOTS

Ancient Greek pottery. ORLANDI. Le Nozze di Paride ed Elena

ORLANDI, Orazio. Le Nozze di Paride ed Elena rappresentate in un vaso antico del Museo del Sig. Tommaso Jenkins. [..]
Starting price
EUR 400,00
EUR 600,00 / 800,00

Ancient Clothes. LENS. Le Costume ou essai sur les habillements et les usages de plusieurs peuples de l’antiquité

LENS, André. Le Costume ou essai sur les habillements et les usages de plusieurs peuples de l’antiquité. Liegi, [..]
Starting price
EUR 500,00
EUR 800,00 / 1.000,00

Mineralogy. FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND. Recherches sur les volcans éteints du Vivarais et du Velay

FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND, Barthélemy. Recherches sur les volcans éteints du Vivarais et du Velay. Grenoble, J. [..]
Starting price
EUR 3.000,00
EUR 5.000,00 / 6.000,00

NECKER. Arret du Conseil d’Etat du Roi, Portant etablissement d’une Administration provinciale dans le Berry. 1778-80

NECKER, Jacques. Arret du Conseil d’Etat du Roi, Portant etablissement d’une Administration provinciale dans [..]
Starting price
EUR 200,00
EUR 300,00 / 400,00

Wine, Brandy, Coffee. Lettres Patentes du Roi, Contenant Reglement sur le commerce des nouvelles communautes des Cabaretiers, Aubergistes, Cafetiers, Limonadiers, & sur celui des Detailleurs d’eaux-de-vie & des Vendans vins & autres boissons

Lettres Patentes du Roi, Contenant Reglement sur le commerce des nouvelles communautes des Cabaretiers, Aubergistes, [..]
Starting price
EUR 100,00
EUR 200,00 / 300,00

Smallpox vaccination. TISSOT. Della cura del vajuolo

TISSOT, Samuel Auguste . Della cura del vajuolo. Venezia, Giovanni Gatti, 1779 In 8vo, 190x115 mm. Legatura [..]
Starting price
EUR 200,00
EUR 300,00 / 400,00

CERVANTES SAAVEDRA. El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha

CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel De. El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha ... Nueva edicion por la Real [..]
Starting price
EUR 7.500,00
EUR 10.000,00 / 12.000,00

CROCE. Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. 1782

CROCE, Giulio Cesare . Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno. Venezia, Pietro Pinolato, 1782 8vo; 165x90 mm. [..]
Starting price
EUR 250,00
EUR 400,00 / 500,00

Canon law. LANCELLOTTI. Corpus Juris Canonici academicum

LANCELLOTTI, Giovanni Paolo. Corpus Juris Canonici academicum, emendatum & Notis P. Lancellotti Illustratum… [..]
Starting price
EUR 300,00
EUR 500,00 / 600,00

Bodoni. MONTI. Versi & Poesia autografa “Contro l’Inghilterra” firmata da Vincenzo Monti

MONTI, Vincenzo . Versi. Parma, Stamperia Reale, 1787 Due parti legati in un volume in 4to; 225x150 mm; [..]
Starting price
EUR 1.200,00
EUR 1.800,00 / 2.000,00

Bodoni. MONTI. Aristodemo tragedia dell'abate Vincenzo Monti

MONTI, Vincenzo . Aristodemo tragedia dell'abate Vincenzo Monti. Parma, Stamperia Reale, 1786 4to; 290x210mm. [..]
Starting price
EUR 600,00
EUR 800,00 / 1.000,00

Light blue paper. TIRABOSCHI. Storia della letteratura italiana

TIRABOSCHI, Girolamo. Storia della letteratura italiana. Modena, presso la Società Tipografica, 1787-1794 [..]
Starting price
EUR 1.500,00
EUR 2.500,00 / 3.000,00

Naples Guide. Guida de' Forestieri per la città di Napoli In cui si contengono tutte le notizie topografiche della Città, e degli Edificj sacri e pubblici da tempi antichi insino al di di oggi

Guida de' Forestieri per la città di Napoli In cui si contengono tutte le notizie topografiche della Città, [..]
Starting price
EUR 850,00
EUR 1.300,00 / 1.500,00

DE AZARA Y PERERA. Descrizione dell'apparato funebre per le esequie celebrate dalla nazione spagnuola ... alla memoria di Carlo III

AZARA Y PERERA, Jose Nicolas; de . Descrizione dell'apparato funebre per le esequie celebrate dalla nazione [..]
Starting price
EUR 2.000,00
EUR 2.500,00 / 3.000,00

Domains of King of France. CALONNE-DUPONT DE NEMOURS. Memoire sur les Domaines du Roi; Observations sur l’alienation des domaines de la Couronne

CALONNE, Charles-Alexandre; de. Memoire sur les Domaines du Roi. 1787 Folio. 280x215 mm. Pagine 37, 3 [..]
Starting price
EUR 2.000,00
EUR 3.000,00 / 4.000,00

CALONNE. Signed autograph letter addressed to M. Le Vicomte de Peyronnenq de St. Chamarans

CALONNE, Charles-Alexandre de. Lettera autografa firmata indirizzata a M. Le Vicomte de Peyronnenq de St. Chamarans. [..]
Starting price
EUR 500,00
EUR 800,00 / 1.000,00

Signatures of French Kings. LOUIS XVI - LOUIS XVIII

LOUIS XVI. Lettera autografa firmata al Cardinale Muzio Gallo. Versailles, 31.01.1789 Folio. 368x240 mm. [..]
Starting price
EUR 1.000,00
EUR 1.500,00 / 1.800,00

French Revolution - Economics and Finance. Five documents

1. Assemblee Nationale. Résumé des rapports du comité des monnaies. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1790 8vo. [..]
Starting price
EUR 500,00
EUR 800,00 / 1.000,00

French Revolution. Financial aid to writers. Loi relative aux depenses des Travaux litteraires

Loi relative aux depenses des Travaux litteraires… Paris, le 1 Decembre 1790. Saintes, P. Toussaints, 1790 [..]
Starting price
EUR 150,00
EUR 200,00 / 300,00

French Revolution - Economic Policy. Loi Relatives aux particuliers recus dans les maitrises & jurandes des six corps de marchand ou communautés d’arts & metiers de la ville di Paris

Loi Relatives aux particuliers recus dans les maitrises & jurandes des six corps de marchand ou communautés [..]
Starting price
EUR 150,00
EUR 200,00 / 300,00

Bodoni. PARINI. Odi

PARINI, Giuseppe . Odi. Parma, nel regal Palazzo, 1791 8vo; 160x105 mm. Legatura in cartonato muto. Vignetta [..]
Starting price
EUR 300,00
EUR 500,00 / 600,00

Smallpox Treatment. LOTTI. Instruzione popolare per la cura domestica del vajuolo

LOTTI, Ignazio . Instruzione popolare per la cura domestica del vajuolo. [Venezia], per li figliuoli del q. [..]
Starting price
EUR 500,00
EUR 700,00 / 800,00

Medicine Manuscript of Vaccà Berlinghieri Lessons. Lezioni di Medicina

[VACCÀ BERLINGHIERI, Francesco]. Lezioni di Medicina. Manoscritto. Fine XVIII secolo – inizio XIX secolo [..]
Starting price
EUR 600,00
EUR 800,00 / 1.000,00

DAVID. Decret de la Convention Nationale… relatif au don fait par David, d’un tableau representant Michel Lepelletier sur son lit de mort

DAVID, Jacques-Louis. Decret de la Convention Nationale, Du 29 mars 1793… relatif au don fait par David, d’un [..]
Starting price
EUR 200,00
EUR 300,00 / 400,00

Louvre Museum - David's Triumph. Loi Relative aux Artistes dont les ouvrages ont été exposés cette année au Sallon du Louvre

Loi Relative aux Artistes dont les ouvrages ont été exposés cette année au Sallon du Louvre… Paris, le 7 Décembre [..]
Starting price
EUR 200,00
EUR 300,00 / 400,00

Birth Certificate of the Modern Louvre Museum. Decret de la Convention Nationale… Qui etablit un conservatoire pour la garde du museum

Decret de la Convention Nationale, Du 27 jour de nivose, l’an 2 de la republique … Qui etablit un conservatoire [..]
Starting price
EUR 300,00
EUR 500,00 / 600,00

The artists during the French Revolution. Decret de la Convention Nationale... Relatifs au jugement du concours pour les prix de sculpture, peinture et architecture

Decret de la Convention Nationale, Des 9 et 26 jours de brumaire, an second de la republique … Relatifs au jugement [..]
Starting price
EUR 150,00
EUR 200,00 / 300,00

Loi relative aux gratifications & Secours à accorder aux Artistes

Loi relative aux gratifications & Secours à accorder aux Artistes… Paris, le 12 Septembre 1791. Saintes, [..]
Starting price
EUR 250,00
EUR 400,00 / 500,00

Poster and Booklet. J.J. ROUSSEAU. Loi Qui decrete une Statue pour Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et une pension de 1200 livres pour sa veuve

Loi Qui decrete une Statue pour Jean-Jacques Rousseau, et une pension de 1200 livres pour sa veuve … Paris, [..]
Starting price
EUR 150,00
EUR 200,00 / 300,00

ARIOSTO. Orlando furioso

ARIOSTO, Ludovico . Orlando furioso. Parigi, P. Plassan, 1795 4 volumi in 4to; 227x140 mm; Legatura in [..]
Starting price
EUR 800,00
EUR 1.200,00 / 1.600,00
181 - 210  of 378 LOTS