Rare Books, Prints, Autographs and Documents.


Rome. PIALE. La ville de Rome ou Description de cette superbe ville.

EUR 400,00
Starting price
EUR 600,00 / 800,00


Rome. PIALE. La ville de Rome ou Description de cette superbe ville.
PIALE, Stefano. La ville de Rome ou Description de cette superbe ville.
A Rome, chez Venance Monaldini: de l'imprimerie De Romanis, 1826

2 volumi in 8vo, mm 180x95. Legatura in mezza pergamena e cartonato marmorizzato. Pp. XVI, 245; IV, 250-520, 47, 16 carte di tavola. Buon esemplare.

Bella edizione con all’interno 16 mappe della città di Roma.
wed 10 April 2024
Auction times
Via dei Soncin, 28 35122 Padua Italy

EXHIBITION: 5-7 April 2024 on appointment only.

To book your appointment, call 0039 049 8755317 or send an email to info@badoemart.it

We remind you that our staff remains at your disposal to carry out detailed condition reports with additional photos in addition to the pictures already present in the catalog.